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Text of "<\p>"

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SeaJayPea | 17:59 Wed 16th Nov 2005 | Site Suggestions
7 Answers

Why does this appear in some links to other sites, but not in others? And can it be stopped?

Thanks a lot



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All you have to do to avoid this is put a space after pasting the link. Try it!

Why on earth have you posted as the screen name??
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Sorry Dakota, what does that mean?
It was a mistake. Oops.
Sorry SeaJayPea - I was referring to Deeselsbride :)
<�p> ..personally i dont get thei <P::{}>problem..has dakota been on the lemonade ...again?)(-:)

oi Vinny you cheeky monkey!!

Dak dares not tell him it was the Gin she was on


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