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M&S Hurricane Lamp

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Robinia | 10:17 Tue 22nd Nov 2005 | Site Suggestions
490 Answers

Has anyone bought one of these ?
Could you please tell me the size of it? I don't know why they don't state it! I have mailed M&S but they haven't replied yet.

Or has anyone seen the same thing elsewhere? Thanks!



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Christmas in Sweden is traditionally... nope, Vinny, I can't feel my own *** anymore, been sitting down for so long... I'm going to have to tell you more about our traditions the next time around. I'm eager to get home now to see if I can find that ancient photo! And then what do I do? There's an internet cafe where they should have a scanner, but then I'd have to post it via... what? I know there are some kind of picture banks where you can save a picture and link it to a link (Jeez, I'm eloquent tonight) and then post the link - correct? But does that also mean that the picture becomes property of that particular picture bank??? Don't want that! Which site would you recommend?

Netti, I just remembered, the place outside Benidorm where my family had the summer house was called La Nucia. I was just a kid, but my eldest sister would drive down to Benidorm to Penelope, a discotheque that was the place to be seen in those days. Familiar to you?

See you sometime next week - but I'll check in before then to see if anyone's left me any info regarding this picture posting business. Until then!

Swede, you can upload your picture here

or here

or other places like flickr. They're just online photo albums, you keep the copyright and everything. Then you just cut and paste the URLs for emails, Biddies etc. I suppose eventually they get dropped off the sites if nobody looks at them for a few years, but generally they stick around quite some time
Shaney (:o)
Oh that'sa grand shaney - how on earth does Vinny do it all???
Question Author
morning creakies....amazing golden sunrise this morning, it was like looking at the world through lucozade you know you did it!

Better get ite & abite before the wind gets up...batten down your hatches Vinny it's going to be really wild in Biddyfordcombe apparently.....

....must nip over & paint his roof with treacle... don't want those poor sh1tehawks blowing off.....
Morning frum
devoncombe....just been through a heavy shower..and thats just in me bathroom..its pisking down out there...looks through lucozade it looks like its snowing yellow. what is she on....I want some hahaha..! (:o)
Still lovely as ever here, getting a bit annoying now, if it's gonna be winter then I want winter!!!
Question Author
.....lives in Ibiza & expects it to feel like Lapland....

here you are neti tut!
yes, perhaps DaSwede will post a few surplus reindeer to the Balearics for you
Ok Ok don't knock it - in fact 3 years ago we did actually have snow, it lasted for one day and was thrilling!!!!
Afternoon all hope all is well with everybody. Nice to hear from you DaSwede I was quite nervous at first joining the Biddies but I'm ok now (I think). My hand is a bit sore at the mo. It is swollen and weeping a bit but I will have to give it time. Have to go back next Wed. for stitches out and result of the biopsy. Very nervous about that but then that's me and my personality. A bit dark and dreary over here. Have an interview with Personel at work this afto. Should be interesting!
Off out tonight to see a band called 3 Wheel Drive. I've known them a long time and they have a brilliant lead guitarist so should be a good night. There will be 2 friends there tonight who like to Rock and Roll so there could be a bit of a 'fight' who I'm goin to dance with Lol but It should be a good night. See you later. :o)
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oooh hi Jude - hope your hand heals up soon - I asked you how big the wound was some time back there <<<< but you must have missed it...?

s'quiet in here intit? Friday not a busy day for shopping any more then?

shaney's looking perplexed
where's the sausages?
clue: charlie's just been having a giggle on his moby....

are you ok Vinny? you're a bit subdued lately....
oh, I see .....

got another secret harem have you?
Good evening fellow crimplies...hope all are well...just been with my nieces and the greats to see them switch on the lights in the High St. All very jolly with Santa and his Sleigh and we made the local could just see the tree in the background whilst they informed us of high tides and 70 mile an hour winds tonight ..says she whilst typing this with one hand and clinging to what's left of the roof with other.

Thank you Vinny van Gogh for my piccie ..I shall print it off and put it in my rogues gallery !! Kissie kissie xxx

Shaney enjoyed his sausage roll Robinia and says to tell Charlie he's a life saver.
Don't go jiggling around too much Jude watch that hand !
good morning
must go to work,catch you later>>>>>>>>>whoosh...(*_*)
Nothing good about it here. Swirling winds, lashing rain. Excuse me while I tie myself to the mizzen mast so I can go on painting my toenails and embroidering my ballgown without being swept overboard.

my hurricane lamp, s'il vous plait
Hi there biddies - no sun but sweltering hot again, far too hot for sweaters so it's back to t-shirts - am off to airport to collect errant daughter who's coming home to get her washing done, goes back on Tuesday - my nerves are in shreds already!!!
Hi everybody, I Overdid the dancing last night, hand now swollen up and sore and not very comfortable all my own fault. :o(
Robinia The wound was about the size of a 50p. Taking it easy today and tomorrow to see if I can get it to ease off a bit. We didn't have a lot of gales did we? Just loads of rain. Listening to Derby v Leicester at the mo. See you all later.......
Question Author
evenin all.....not been much of a day but as Jude said we didn't have any gales or even strong breeze (looks like it stalled over jno)....silly met office! sorry your hand's sore Jude, you didn't listen to matron shaney!......

all this damp's getting to me tho' I'm very creaky today....neti, can you define sweltering? can't be that hot now, surely? it'll be those clingy leggings, you need to air things a bit....

hope there's something on telly tonight....

oh goody
Evening pop-pickers.
I think shaney got,what I was suppose to get...the weather hasnt been to bad.And now they tell us ,were all be sunbathing tomorrow...blimey 25c....ooops sorry thats the bloomin wind speed..! hehe...!
That brought a smile to my face robinia.. hope everybodys okay....catch you in a bit.......(*_*)

not only am I getting thunder and lightning (to say nothing of arthritis and leprosy), everything is bright yellow. Weird - must be the efect of the rising sun behind heavy clouds. Or possibly jaundice, of course.

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