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Craft Suggestions

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Maydup | 21:08 Sun 15th Mar 2020 | ChatterBank
39 Answers
I've recently reduced by working hours, and with the propect of businesses closing and us being encouraged to stay home more, I need to establish some new interests and pastimes.

I'm practical and creative and feel confident I ciukd have a reasonable go at most crafts, but I do need a purpose. Any ideas or suggestions for useful things I could make or build?


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You could make some bee/bug hotels - I fancy making one but can’t be arsed to source all the bits.
It depends on what you expect or want to get out of it. Is it for your own entertainment, or do you want to sell it?
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Bee hotel is a great idea! I have a few off cuts of wood and I could forage the bits and pieces to fill it.

Thats definitely on the list.

coffins? It's a hell of an undertaking though....
Argghh...i didn't finish...
I tried my hand making jewellery because I loved the beads. Still have loads stashed away. I also did papier mache...bowls and mirrors. Messy and time consuming, but I loved the results. Final challenge was stained glass mosaics...did a few shelves for our house. Thoroughly enjoyed that also.
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I dont really need to sell things Pastafreak, I just need a purpose. For example I could knit but what to knit? I can paint or make things with wood, but what to make? I could learn quilting or mosaics but again need some ideas. happy to give things away to charities if they need them.
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Stained glass mosaics sounds lovely. Did you go to a class or start with a kit?
toy trains for the young kids locked in at home....or bird-huts??
I find leatherwork very satisfying and you don't need a great deal of equipment to get started.
If you don't want to, or need to sell, then you have the luxury of doing what pleases you. Get some books from the library on crafts that interest you...things you'd enjoy doing...get some inspiration from what others do.
I looked at books...bought a few supplies...and jumped in. I'm impatient. Lol
I just might take it up again...I still have all my bits.
ooh, knitting :-)
Hats and blankets for prem babies (our local mat. unit is looking for donations, as are a few others across the UK - well, that was up to a few weeks ago tho)
Novelty Coffee Cup Sweaters. They're easy and ridiculously amusing when put on a coffee cup (the types with lids)
Fingerless mitts, slouch beanies.
^^^ Oh...and knitted blankets for cat and dog rescues.
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I know there are a number of crafters here on AB, hence looking for inspiration from what others do. I'll also have a look at some books, and pinterest, but always good to hear from people.

I have a vegetable garden, so looking for some crafting activities in between planting and harvest.
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Ah, thanks I'll have a look for local charities in need of knitted goods. Baby blankets are definitely achievable.

The list so far:

Bee hotel
Stained glass mosaics
Knitting baby blankets

I’m going to keep a close eye on this thread - me and the the younger kids are going to sort the garden and front out over the next couple of weeks (if they shut the schools we are going to need A LOT of garden craft type things to do).
How about upcycling with decoupage, my friend does this as a hobby after she retired and loves it, then you could also look up the busy fingers thing gness makes for people with dementia, I'm not sure what i's called but she was well into making those things;ei=LlhuXqzTEqen1fAP86-n8Ac&q=decoupage+furniture&oq=decoupage&gs_l=psy-ab.1.6.0i67j0l9.4954612.4957065..4962194...0.1..0.152.1130.0j9......0....1..gws-wiz.......0i71j0i131i67j0i131j0i199i175i131j0i199i291j35i39j0i273j0i199i175.P1yUV1H8fHY
Hi, Maydup....have a look at Knit For Peace. Another lovely organisation to knit or crochet for is aHug......scarves for cancer patients. Twiddlemuffs are fun to make and as well as Knit for Peace who are always asking for them can be donated to your local care homes. I'm making a variety of small items to sell to tourists at the village charity shop and farmer's market....if we have any tourists this year.....but you may not have an outlet for things like that.

I'm about to experiment with book book art patterns....x
Book Art is great, a friend made me an Angel some time ago.
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You could try growing some potatoes in your garden Sherr. They are really forgiving and such fun for kids to dig up come June/July. Buy a bag of seed potatoes now, and plant them out over the next 2 weeks. They are happy on any old soil, or one of those enormous floppy buckets if you pierce some holes in it, and the kids can earth them up once they come through.

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