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Questions For Composers (For A Project)

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AnnJee123 | 18:31 Tue 14th Sep 2021 | Music
4 Answers
Hi! I'm working on a project about creative solutions for problems that are prevalent for young composers! If you are a composer, I would appreciate it if you were able to answer these questions! Thank you!

1. How long have you been a composer? What made you get into composition?

2. What issues or struggles have you come across that block your creative process?

3. Tell me a memorable story of a time you struggled as a composer.

4. What have you tried in order to over come these struggles (short-term or long-term)?

5. Where do you feel most productive or creative when composing (environment, clean or not clean, ect.)?

6. Would you call yourself an organized person (both compositionally and not compositionally)?


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I think only you can answer these questions.
With the average age of us ABers here you're more likely to find decomposers.
atheist, no, it's a project: she's supposed to ask the questions and note the answers, rather than providing her own answers.

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Questions For Composers (For A Project)

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