It hammered it down here this morning and turned our yard into a lake. Thankfully, we are at a high point so it has drained away. It's sunny here now, but there is a lot of water about. Very windy. Apparently, a lot of shops in the town are closed due to flooding.
They did forecast it here, but got the time wrong. I tend now to work on the basis of looking out of the windows.
I don't why the forecasters use those ridiculous percentage figures, they should just say that there's a 50% chance of rain...It either rains or it doesn't:)
Don't agree sanmac. It gives the probability of it 5% is a 1 in 20 chance of rain...25%, a 1 in 4 chance. Gives a better idea of the chance of rain.
Didn't you do "possibility/probability" at school?
According to the Manchester Evening news, we are going to get thunderstorms and torrential rain in parts of Greater Manchester.
So, better put my sandals away and get my wellies out for my trip to Tesco.
For once they got it right down here. Said it would rain this afternoon at about 3 o'clock. Just got the washing in on time as at 3.04pm it started thundering down.