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gessoo | 17:07 Fri 16th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
515 Answers
It might be a good idea, Ed if at the top of the Chatterbank questions there is a note from you explaining the situation in a pink box so that people are not left wondering what on earth has happened.


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This is me :o(

gessoo working

This is what I would rather be doing

if only

Hi Robinia been to the little Tesco today they have lovely danish vanilla pastries. Had one with my coffee this am. yum yum!

I'll just leave this question with you - have any of you traced your family tree? If so, are you glad you did? My sister wants us to do ours & sometimes I'm enthusiastic but other times I'm not sure whether I want to know. I have enough trouble with handling the present! As my sister says what's gone is gone & if it was bad we can't change that but she'd like to know.....

be back later I hope......

Just caught me in time...right you are..writes down list...nettis complaining she cant get it up on suggestions..hehe...try viagra im off and i mean it>>>bye>>>>>>>(:)
Lovely Jude but exceedingly kind Mr kipling has provided my cakes today!
Has anyone noticed that on Question title, where one fills in the question, it has been changed, so Ed and the techies are definitely doing some work if not sorting out My Profile.
yes, I saw your latest Q came out in small type neti, the better to deter elderly ABers from answering it! Fortunately I was able to read it by magnifying it a bit. Has anything else changed in the Questions panel?
Robina - hello there dear - are you still having problems with My Profile although in your case it's your profile????

Croak, croak - Hi all, just popping in to say hope you all had a nice weekend & hope you're all well.

I'm a bit under the weather today, sore throat, nasty head cold, etc., but I'm wrapped up warm in my knitted hat & bed sox! Just about to drink my hot lemon & snuggle up under a duvet on the sofa again. See you all later. -x-

Poor smudge big hug. Keep warm and cosy and get well soon

Get well soon Smudge

Just for you

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Question Author

For Smudge

Mr Smudge was always embarresed that his wife never wore underwear. One winter she caught a bad cold. So Mr Smudge called the doctor. He said: My wife has a horrible cold and she has a horrible habit of never wearing underwear. So when the doctor came to their house the doctor looked down her throat. He said: You should really start wearing underwear. So Mrs Smudge said: If you can tell I�m not wearing underwear by looking down my throat, can you look up my *****hole and tell me if my hat�s on straight?

Question Author

A picture for Smudge

Gessoo's cat Alice

To apologise for the poor taste joke!!!!

Just climbed off the sofa to pop up for a wee & found your lovely messages - so thank you all.

I just read your joke out to my husband gessoo - it made us both laugh! Thank you for the lovely pic of Alice, its times like this that I wish we still had our Smudge - we all miss her so much, boo, hoo. -x-

Question Author

I can spell 'embarrassed'! I am afraid I copied the joke and failed to notice the glaring error!!!

Thank you for the beautiful Sunflower pic too Jude. -x-

Evening all - I don't know, leave this place for a few hours & it all happens. poor smudge has the lurgy - get well soon smudge, hope you found something useful in the potions pot. I saw Vinny sneaking something out of it earlier....we'll check out how he's walking later....

....and have you noticed that CB has gone? - Hope Ed hasn't crammed all those posts into the old grotto....I like to have a potter around in there's a sort of AB Gold......

neti - yes, still having 'Threads I've stuck my oar in' problems.

so distressed at the thought of all you people without profiles - here is one for you

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