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Reporting Spam

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choux | 14:30 Tue 07th Feb 2023 | Editor's Blog
20 Answers
Would it be useful to have a category "open" continuously for reporting spam?
This would assist quicker deletion by mods especially when Eds are not available in the early hours and at weekends. It would need to be prominent to ensure ease of access.


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possibly, but people would have to somehow report back when a particular item is deleted so other mods don't waste their time looking for it.
I'm coming to realise that none of this stuff, none of it, actually matters in any way, shape or form.

I think mods should be able to see when posts are reported, just as the editors do and I don't think it's necessary to go through the report procedure. The mods would pick up why and make decisions of whether to remove.
If there is multiple spam from the same poster, only one of the posts need be identified as banning removes all posts by that person.

The Mod deleting that person could also delete the post notifying the spam so that other Mods don't try to look for it.
Assuming there is something in profiles allowing folk to be banned, how about posting the link to the spammer's profile so the Mods can go straight to it, do their stuff and then delete the notifying post?
What if you'd reported a mod Lottie, would you want them to see it?
I don't understand what you mean by a category continuously open. I wasn't aware that categories were at any time closed.

Maybe if a link to the offending thread was posted here Mods could be encouraged to check this section when they come online and delete as required, including the op in spam and scams.
Yes if just for those what xan go under radar posting loads on like 10 yearold threads.
Just a yellow ( 'sticky/ sticker) thread in eds blog where we can put a link to the spammer like what I done a few times for Naomi. As soon as its zapped the mod could just say 'zapped'or 'done as naomi does.
There not needed for the new gummy threads as they stand out anyway and go as soon as mods see them. The system should stop many of these by banning links in title box.
I can see Douglas's point but if your not bothered don't look at the report threads which is for those who want to get rid of spam.
On this one I agree with Dougie, as long as no-one clicks on it does it really matter?
Hi Ladybirder How would the mod I reported know who has reported? Just a little coloured R or similar after the post could show it was reported. Everybody could see it. Then the mods could make a decision. Mind you some people might enjoy going around reporting like crazy. Perhaps mot a good idea!!!

Compared with war and climate change its not important.
But when I read 'recently answered as I like to I sometimes seen 60 threads with posts from spammers. Ed and mods care enough to report them and Ed thanked me. Commenting on this prudie is abit like someone posting on a Coronation St thread that they don't watch it or say ' its not real you know'. Look away now if your not interested.
A sticky in Editor's Blog is a good idea. No chatting - just a link to the culprit which mods would remove once the blighter is zapped. That way other mods wouldn't be sent on a wild goose chase.

I don’t agree that mods should see all reports. Communication between the Eds and members including mods, should remain confidential.
Naomi, I didn't mean mods should see all reports. Just that they have been reported.
Oh, ok Lottie. Sorry. I misunderstood.
There are a few answers on Bobbies flu thread that I feel are spammers testing the water. I havent reported because they might be genuine.
I had a quick look, lottie. I can't see anything there that warrants reporting or removing. If people are testing the water they'll eventually fall in.
Bobb I think you may be being a bit oversensitive. I am well aware you have been doing a good job and Ed has thanked you and that most users would like to see it tackled. You are also right that I don't see a lot of it just because I tend to just look at latest posts and the times I lok in. I still think I should be allowed to comment on the thread, I see a lot more spam on here than I do Coronation Street.
It was your 23.37 post Lottie that made me think that. Seems I got it wrong, sorry.
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Spammers in The AnswerBank: Editor's Blog

It came to pass, nearly 23 months later 🙄

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