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Childhood Chants

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Canary42 | 21:26 Sun 18th Aug 2024 | ChatterBank
22 Answers

Memory's a funny thing.  I'm not sure what triggered it, but I just remembered :-


I'm the king of the castle

Get down you dirty rascal


So, let's have some nostalgic chatterbank fun with a few of your youthful chants.



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I remember: Eeny meeny miney mo....... anyone know the rest?

Zigger Zagger, Zigger Zagger, oi, oi, oi!,

Liar liar pants on fire

// Eeny meeny miney mo....... anyone know the rest?//

"sit the baby on the po" 

when it's done

wipe its bum

eeny meeny miney mo

Oh dear, what can the matter be

Two old dears stuck in the lavatory 

They'll be there from Monday to Saturday 

Nobody knows they are there

It was a girl's thing more than a boy's. Girls had skipping songs eg ;

"My mother said, I never should, play with the gypsies in the wood."

To the tune of Frere Noel

Father Christmas father Christmas, he got stuck, coming down the chimney, what bad luck, what bad luck.

down in the jungle

got the belly-ache

can't find a lavatory

(raspberry) too late.

TTT, it was changed to 

Eeny meeny macaracca rare rye dominacca 

Stick a rocka lollipopa rum pum push.

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Nice one Khandro, I knew it as :-

"My mother said, I never should,

play with the gypsies in the wood.

If I did, she would say

"Naughty little child to run away"

To a sneak...

Tell tale tit,

Your mammy cannae knit

Your daddy cannae go to bed

Withoot a dummy tit.

Wouldn't it be funny if a woman had a wooden tit, wouldn't it.

(I did grow up eventually, but memories stick)

Tell tale tit
Your tongue will split
And all the doggies in the town
Will have a little bit.

I remember it slightly different:

I'm the king of the castle and you're the dirty rascal.


Spot on Windywillow

We used to sing:

I'm the king of the castle, you're a dirty wee rascal

Not a chant but as kids we would ask one another if they were a PLP?  If the answer was no, they were told they were not a proper living person.  If the answer was yes, they were told that they were a public leaning post. Hilarious!!

a skipping rhyme:

My mother and your mother were hanging out clothes

My mother gave your mother a punch on the nose

Wht colour was the blood,

R-E-D spells red!

^ What!

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