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New Feature Please.

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Canary42 | 17:50 Fri 11th Oct 2024 | Site Suggestions
8 Answers

The ability for the OP to close a thread (including an indication, so we know it wasn't done by a Mod/Ed), similar to the option offered by Facebook.



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You want the last word, Canary?

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Cheep cheep !

No, there's too much power in the hands of idiots as it it.

I can see why someone would want to if the question has been properly answered.

If it's a controversial post though, other ABers would just continue the debate on another thread. 

Question Author

Yes Barry, I realise that would sometimes happen (although Mod/Ed could close it as "duplicate" if it was too repetitive) but  my experience on FB shows it's reasonably rare.

No, there's too much power in the hands of idiots as it is.

Hey that is a very insulting way to refer to the mods ! - who are some of wisest, bestest human specimens to have walked this Earth. Bless them all !

knowledgest - their combined medical knowledge passes all belief

whilst we are discussing closed threads

can you reopen this one please. 

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New Feature Please.

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