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Quiz Answers Help Please

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dune1961 | 18:37 Fri 11th Oct 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
22 Answers

Quiz help please

This is a group of 3

The 3 c__s of the f--- of g---

Answers begin B R and I

These are groups of 4

The four r--- of A ------

Answers begin 


The four C---- c---and t---

Answers begin 


The four v---- in c------   S---

Answers begin 

S A (or C ) T and B

Many thanks for any help

The exact number of the letters isn't clear



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The four voices in choral singing: soprano, alto, tenor and bass.
20:48 Fri 11th Oct 2024

Which quiz?  Closing date?

The four rules of Algebra

It would have helped if you had numbered your questions.

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It's a local church quiz for end of month

1. the 3 crosses of (on) the flag of Great Britain ???

3 colours of the flag of Gabon?

...or Germany ...or Ghana 

I'm not sure what you mean by "the answers begin..."

Your first one is 

"The 3 c__s of the f--- of g---

Answers begin B R and I"

Do you mean the letters in the gaps begin with those letters?

thats what i thought TCL, they can't start with those letters, you can't have cb???s

//The exact number of the letters isn't clear//

the whole quiz isn't clear. are they ditloids?

If the answer to 

"The four r--- of A ------

Answers begin 

A S M D" is 

"The four rules of algebra" where do A S M and D fit in?


The four rules of Algebra are probably



Multiply and Divide.

Wow, you are brainy Tilly, wouldn't have thought of that!



The three colours of the flag of genders whatsits.

red, blue, indigo

This is a difficult quiz!

Those aren't rules of algebra though. Maybe it's arithmetic if the word lengths aren't known.but they are operations not rules. The laws of algebra are something else

Question Author

Sorry not clear about something. 

The questions are all groups.


The 4 N----s of the b-------s

Would be the Beatles

J P G and R

It's a difficult one as it doesn't say how many letters are in the answers just what they begin with! 

The four voices in choral singing: soprano, alto, tenor and bass.


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