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Yellow Wind!!

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Ken4155 | 18:30 Tue 17th Dec 2024 | ChatterBank
8 Answers

I am quite used to seeing myriads of weather warnings on MSN when i open my laptop and sometimes they contradict one another. A few months back one headline warned of a downpour of biblical proportions while another claimed to predict the exact day on which the heatwave wold begin.

But none have made me chuckle like this morning's badly worded headline. 

"Met issue a yellow wind warning."

Now i know all about yellow snow, but i cannot imagine just how many people must be p issing into the wind to turn it yellow 😊.



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It's brown wind you want to avoid.

too much in the pub obviously, hence the yellow theme ^^

So by your way of thinking only red cars should obey a red traffic light ?

My brain is stuck with president xi and rice having something to do with it.

I've seen prince doing purple rain.

Thank goodness we are talking about meteorological matters rather than flatulence.🙃

Now I fancy getting the chopsticks out, Albs, for a Ken Hom home dish/take-away.

Got to use your wok DT :)) x

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Yellow Wind!!

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