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Can Anyone Recommend A Grab Rail/Handle For The Shower/Bath?

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Treacle71 | 18:59 Sun 29th Dec 2024 | Home & Garden
40 Answers

It's for my mum to get in/out of the bath. It has to be non-drill and non-suction. I bought a suction handle but it won't adhere. Thank you! πŸšΏπŸ›€. Any ideas would be gratefully received.



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If you can't drill (and screw) and you can't use suction, then the only thing left is glue. I can't recommend any adhesive; maybe someone else can. I used drill and screw, and the thing willl never fall off the wall.Wait for further advice; and good luck.
19:03 Sun 29th Dec 2024

If you can't drill (and screw) and you can't use suction, then the only thing left is glue. I can't recommend any adhesive; maybe someone else can. I used drill and screw, and the thing willl never fall off the wall.

Wait for further advice; and good luck.

Get in touch with her council, they might fit one for her

A suction one would be 'a wing and a prayer' job even if you got it to adhere at all. I certainly would not depend on it for anybody! 

Like it or not, the only reliable solution is a permanently fixed one.

In an area of high humidity like a bathroom I wouldn't trust any glue even gorrilla or no more nails. If you can't get one that is drilled and screwed ( if it's a rented property you might still get permission)contact your local community OTs as they may have a free standing frame assembly.

As you own your property can I ask why you want a non drill one?

My family member contracted her council about non suction grab rails and they would not fit them! In the end the council did a tidy job putting rails in bathroom and toilets.

I am unsteady on my feet and have two grab rails in my shower.  They are screwed in and they look good and are practical.

The plumber who installed the bathroom said that the glue and suction rails can be dangerous.  You need something that you can rely on.


Drill is the only safe solution.

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I chose the glue answer as 'the best' as that is what I'll try next.  I can't drill unfortunately (I'm a girl!!!)  🀦‍♀️.  Not only that, but I've never owned a drill and this would be drilling through tiles from the 1980s, so it's a no no in that area.  If the superglue fails, I'll get in touch with the council.  

Thank you all and Happy New Year to you xx

But one fail might be one too many! There's a TV ad showing bathroom fixtures being glued - but only a soap tray.

Pay a tradesman to do it for you. 

Using glue is an accident waiting to happen - be sensible and get a tradesman to do the job.  

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OK.  Thank you.  I'll go search for one xx

You say 'if superglue fails ... ' but have you thought about what that means?   A fall for your mum.  You could never trust it to be safe.  Pay someone to screw it to the wall properly.

You've got builders next door.  Why not ask them?  It won't take more than a few minutes to do.

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Next door's builders have long gawwwn.  I'll seek someone independently.  Thank you.

I thought you said the people the other side were builders?

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Yes, they are but they're transient and currently have disappeared 🀷‍β™€οΈπŸ€·‍♀️

A local tradesman it will have to be then.

It is imperative that any such bar should be absolutely fixed and safe. 'Mickey Mouse' fixings could lead to a disaster. If employing a proper tradesman is beyond you. Contact the local council for help.  

Why won't you consider the council? They have a department that is set up to help keep older people in their own homes by carrying out assessments for adaptions.  Many people get them free of charge.

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