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Can My Bank Freeze Or Close My Account If I Join Reform

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gordiescotland1 | 01:00 Mon 06th Jan 2025 | Business & Finance
7 Answers

Hi there 

I am seriously considering joining Reform political party and you have to pay £25. I only have a debit card linked to my bank account but not a credit card. I'm just a bit worried that my bank may decide it's against their policy to let customers join this political party and close my account. Can they do that? 



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Farage's own bank account was closed down, so I suppose the answer is yes. But I can imagine the stink if it happened again; so I would go ahead.

 But Farage was with Coutts which is for select clients. It is linked to Nat West so I suppose they might choose not to take him. But I can't see bank bothering about ordinary customers. members being in a party

It's probably possible covered by their "terms and conditions" but they won't do it.

No.  "The information supplied by banks, building societies and payment companies suggests that no firm closed an account between July 2022 and June 2023 primarily because of a customer’s political views. The Payment Accounts RegulationsLink is external ban banks or building societies discriminating on this basis."

You will be fine,the bank won't care and probably won't even know.

Banks can and do close accounts for a variety of reasons and aren't obliged  to specify why. 

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