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Kozmic Blues | 19:58 Tue 30th May 2006 | Site Suggestions
7 Answers
Would u be able to put the time on the front of the web page?

Thank you *_*


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Doesn't the time already show on your task bar Koz?
either that or perhaps the Ed can give us all free watches???
Aaaw come on Boo...aren't you happy with your free CD and cut glass decanter then !! What more do you want from your AB+ Platinum Card !!
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Just tought it would be handy to have it in different time zones!

Ahhhh yes, the CD- no I can honestly day that Black Lace's Greatest Hits didn't go down well in the Boo household:-(

And the decanter's bottom fell off as soon as I filled it with Ovaltine.

Lol.. not very good were they ..all me Horlicks clung to the sides !! Had a terrible job to wash it up !
well I used mine to take me sample to the docs in - he was well impressed at how I'd been able to hover over it.

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