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Can I suggest that the censoring of swear words is reintrodueced as soon as possibel?

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dot.hawkes | 20:24 Wed 14th Jun 2006 | Site Suggestions
56 Answers
It is fecking broken Mrs Ed (wasn't me).


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W~M are you immature full-time?
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Sorry I just wanted to see if this was true. I meant Fork.

strolls in tapping the ruler on her hand.

Right who's been swearing!!!

I wish i hadn't asked now.
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WM wheres Corby?...
W~M, you and whiffey used a swear word deliberately and for no other reason than because the automatic censor is not working. You are both well aware of the Site Rules. If you can't abide by the rules I suggest you move on.
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Compared to you, I take that as a compliment.

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Oy the pair of you pack it in, no need for any of this, get to bed!
I'm not sure I can compete wi W~M's rapier-sharp wit and command of the English language....
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I wasn't correcting yir English but commenting on the command of it which you have just confirmed. By the way, the words "wi" and "yir" are dialect.
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Apology accepted.

Well done TCL & WM, it's nice when people can be civil to each other.xx

people being nice on I lost again?? :-/

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Can I suggest that the censoring of swear words is reintrodueced as soon as possibel?

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