Hi, would it be possible to include a Health & Beauty category? Most other sites have this (eg Amazon, Ebay, etc) - only the Body & Soul one is a bit too broad? Health and Beauty great for questions on make-up, hair products, availability of perfumes, etc.
Sorry, new to this answerbank thing!! Assume from your reply, jno, that this comes up with monotonous regularity then? Do these questions go to the people that compile the website? Do they reply themselves??
this is a fairly frequent one - and a very good idea, if you ask me. Body & Soul used to be the place for these questions but it got overtaken by much more chatty threads and proper B&S questions get pushed off the front page too quickly now. Yup, I believe the Ed reads everything in the AB Suggestions category; she may reply or not according to whether her carrier pigeons are out for the day. But I'm sure it'll be considered.
ps - would also suggest ditching Body & Soul as it's not very clear what is meant by it and also seems to attract some quite dodgy looking questions. Replace with, perhaps, as mentioned before, Health & Beauty PLUS Mind Matters PLUS Alternative Health.
Thank you for the suggestions - we are going to implement subcategories at some point which would separate Body&Soul into more specific topics. Until then - enjoy the mixture! (and report the dodgy ones)