Please note that this category is only for AB Suggestions. If AB users continue to submit postings that are not relevant to this section, they will be potentially banned from the AnswerBank.
dont really understand your q as it seems that its not a suggestion, yet its in the suggestions category. would say, prepare for it to be reported by people!
the suggestion is there ... 6 weeks ago --> Ed makes a pronouncement on policy for AB Suggestions, and does so in AB Suggestions Topic .... so, I have a point of view on this ... where else do you respond except under the topic that the Ed put her question / statement?
how has this quizzy person rated his/her own reply tp their own question?????????
when you answer your own question the rate this answer is normally missing. Is quizzy on the editorial?
yes jan1956, how does this quizzling rate his/her own questions & answers?
quizzling, as you seem such a clever d*ck would you mind explaining how you do it ?
which sort of " plant " is it ? maybe i'll find it on sub-cat gardening ?
'ello mike you can only rate answers (give stars) providing you yourself have asked the question, it can't be done if you're just providing an answer to someone else's.
quizzling........your style of typing reminds me of someone who was mentioning exactly the same points as you are doing now- but they were banned, I presume its you? I can't for the life of me remember what name it was under though.
seriously though quizzling is this worth getting upset over? So we are slightly bending the rules on this section, I'm sure Ed will delete them if and when she sees fit. Why don't you let her decide what stays and goes- seeing as it's HER job and not yours?
Oh dear, some people do throw their rattles out of their prams. Obviously they are queuing up for ABED's job. smacks herself on hand for CHATTING
And please do not have a go at smudge she is of high moral turpitude, and wouldn't insult anyone. However she (like most of us on here ahem) has the odd little chatter. Nowt wrong with that pal!! lighten up, halloween is over.
Bbbbrrrr - it's freezing out there - whoops, chatting again!
I'm sure you must have read all the posts on here by now quizzling & I do understand what you are trying to put over regarding the 'proper' use of Suggestions. However, as you can see, not everyone thinks the same as you!
As Neti has said, most. of us AB'ers are guilty of a little natter once in a while - we don't go out of our way to deviate, it just happens!