I now have a clearer understanding of this rule, if I post more than 3 times in five minutes I will be zapped and all posts within that 24 hour period, starting at midnight , will disappear temporarily until the techno team (Tim and Justin) have looked at my contribution and made an informed decision as to whether I should be reinstated and my posts also reinstated. I was under the impression that the suspension penalty imposed via the site technology was for this purpose, and maybe it is to prevent spamming from some organisations. I now realise that the rule of 3 posts on 5 minutes is brought into play as it is deemed 'chat' if a member triggers this automatic protection. Is it not so that on many threads there are debates that can be carried out simply because the posed question warrants debate? Just because someone thinks quickly and is able to type a response quickly, they should not be assumed to be chatting by an anonymous technological device. It is confusing also that looking at the timed responses of some abers, and my own, this device does not always kick in, is it possible that there is a selected group of members that are targeted with this device or even a selected group of members that are exempted from this overseeing? Knowing how the site works will not increase nor decrease my enjoyment of using it, nor the frequency, but I am curious. I apologise if I am being too nosy.
Z you need to specifically email the ed with a request that your suspension penalty is now served and should be lifted, email the techies (tim and justin) at the same time. maybe the ed has forgotten to look through the active suspension lists and hasn't noticed you are overdue for reinstatment.
I thought the suspicion aroused wasn't so much chat as spam. Spammers send out zillions of messages per nanosecond and the robots try to nip them in the bud by blocking anyone who seems to file a lot in a short time.