Why is it ok to post to vaguely pornographic questions in B & S like the current `girlfriend's adventurous' or the salacious `feeling flirtatious' but not ok to post to mutually supportive questions like the one Curlyfilm put last night.
this site is not owned by the users - it is up to the editorial team to delete or accept any answers they come across... e.g. its their ball and if they don't like how you play they can pick it up and take it home...
if we paid for the service i might feel more annoyed but as it is..well i'll let it go as i don't wish to subscribe
because this site exists because of ads - it is not a charitable production, if the ads pull they're support the site will close ... and where will that leave us users that are happy for what is provided
Has anyone received a personal answer from the new Ed yet in this site. I seem to remember the last one would come into the question and try to answer it.
Its now a faceless person who just smothers everyones opinions without any explanation. Just remove the quesion/answer noone will notice type of attitude.
IggyB I have just read your `dead epileptic' joke in the joke section. I am not complaining about that. I am complaining about decent threads being hi-jacked by loons and lost to the rest of us.