You must be really ****** off Ducky. This is the first serious post I�ve ever seen you made.
I think everyone loves each other and wants to be each other�s best cyber buddies, but are jealous they are not; that�s what causing all this confusion. I don�t understand why they are so obsessed with Dot; if they don�t like her because she is so mean as they say, why are they still up in her asset? Leave the woman alone.
Tip ~ if you leave her alone maybe she would leave you alone also.
Some people are very insecure and needs attention to make them feel alive. When decent and boring questions are posted, most people complain that it�s too quiet. When the site has cheekiness, they complain too. It seems like everyone cannot be pleased at the same time all the time; if everyone take their own advice everything just might be better. You people are behaving like spoiled kids.
On another note, I am guess WardMinter is/was banned because I haven't seen him around. Is he here under new name? WardMinter, Whiffey and John Lambert had AB lively.
Have a great day everyone!