right here we go. ive been here ,ive been there . and to be honest,i dont find a lot of difference. cb started off just like ab did im sure, but after a settling in period and when the dust settled ,i dont see major differences at all. cosmetic yes . i hear talk of the "darkside" ,but to me the "darkside " is actually ceresc@pe and has been to me for over a year. and as im sure you all know im a creature of habit .and not easily talked round either. as i say its just two sides of the same coin. youve got dotty. cb has its equals. so isnt it just time we all got on. afterall its just the internet . and what is the point of wasting your time and breath over arguements with folk youll probably never meet. like any of it or them really matter to you? if they really do,then you must have a pretty sad real life. if you rellate more to online than off,you do need a break. and to gather your thoughts.
but back to the topic. theres not really any difference,except for personal grudges that cross the divide. get on,get over it,
He's deeply annoying, he keeps beggering off and the whole programe is based on finding him, personally I'd be more than happy if the little git stayed lost.
What do you mean 'you've got Dotty?'
Nobody has got me as far as i know, that's a blooody ridiculous thing to say, i am one of thousands, tut, I feel abit offended to be singled out when there are 101 nasty gits on here we can enjoy ignoring and giving three stars to .
Please phone this number, its free.0800 1111
You seem very disturbed.
Childline have counsellors. You'll be able to talk about your feelings and frustrations. Can't you discuss this with your mummy and daddy? They need advise too, on bedtimes and safety locks for computers.
I am writing this now, knowing you can read this when you get home from school.
Please don't suffer in silence.
It reminds me alot of when naz-nomad kept putting that protest thing up to the AB asks questions, and that other one with the silly name that sounds like a foreign cake also reminds me of sue de nym, but that's just my opinion.