to ask a question that youd rather not ask as yourself (i wouldnt ask a Q about a v personal matter if 4getmenot about)
because theyve been banned and want to get straight back in rather than wait for AB ED to sort it
because they want to cause trouble and hide behind another name.
I hope the first 2 are the main reasons for havinf multiple names
Ummmm's admitted she has a few username crete, are you saying she's lieing and she doesn't have more than this particular one? Or you saying she's shedloads of 'em?
I don't keep them secret. Having 'ummmm' in the name tends to be a give away. I got banned three times in one night!!!! Goes to show I need at least four!!!! :-)
No crete, i'm not, she's more than capable of speaking for herself!!!
However, now i'm sorry if I read something in your post that isn't there, I get the distinct impression that you asked this question to deliberately start a squabble of some sorts. I just wondered if your anger (if any!) was directed at Ummmm