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ELVIS68 | 01:52 Sat 14th Apr 2007 | Site Suggestions
89 Answers
No arguing allowed, just your 3 good and bad points about the site


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well off to bed good to see you too adar, and your back as adar too!
Actually Elvis..I smell of cat's poo !!..Very distinctive..and quite a difference lol !!..I'm an expert btw !!
Night curly....sleep well mate.....and welcome home.....xxxx
In cleaning up cat's poo,I hasten to say!!
Where's Curly been?
Linda my big black german sheperd had got Elvis in his sights......dunno why...maybe it's because he kept calling him a gay dog!!!!......well Shadow has had a lady ......well at he's ready for Elvis now......grrrrrrrrrrrrrr. lol
Curly is a sailor..he works for the fisheries department.....
nite curly
curiosity killed my cat lol
sleep well
Lol Bez! !!..Our Shadow's a man now!!
Yeah Linda......but I don't reckon shes preggo....Shadow kept going for her
splutterin here!!...God love him,he did his best!!
Linda.....he's too spoilt to mate......OMG!!!.......he'd want a water bed and
Shadow sounds like most of the late night men on this site.... give you loads in your ear!
Poor doggie, you should register him here. Give him a psuedo name though, as we all know him, how about an wash!
a few olives too??..adds a bit of class !!
Miss Random dare wash.......his coat is gorgerous.....x
Noooooo, Bez.
Do Wash is an anagram of Shadow.....
I was just trying to preserve his identity.

Taxi for one! Night girls!
Linda......tell Miss Random how gorgeous my black german shepard is......
Heehee......I know MsR..........I was winding u
But..Shadow is a real cutie!!
Isn't he Linda?........many people have said to me........put your dog in catalogues......sorry wtf is that all about.....a dog catalogue?.........never heard of them.

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