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animal sub section

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bobtheduck- | 22:58 Mon 16th Apr 2007 | Site Suggestions
6 Answers
hi ed mwah etc would it be possible to have a sub section within animals dedicated to the Nigerian goat? it is my favourite animal thank you


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the Nigerian dwarf goat to give it its full title
That's a bloody good idea Bob....why didn't I think of that!!
How do you cook it Bob, I like mine bar-b-qued!
Don't be silly netibiza,
Everyone knows the Nigerian dwarf goat gives the best milk and the finest cashmere!
There's not enough flesh on one of them for a decent meal.

Lets all give it to the Nigerian dwarf goat!!!
Bobtheduck, I rarely reply to your constant posting of serious questions but I want you to know I do find them amusing.
Its bleedin obvious that a lion would be interested in a Nigerian goat, or any other type for that matter, innit?

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