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We're back...with YouTube on AB!

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AB Editor | 16:06 Thu 05th Jul 2007 | Site Suggestions
121 Answers
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Totally pointless.

It is easy enough to post a link to a youtube video, which then opens in a different tab or page, so still plays while navigating other areas of AnswerBank.
Oh brilliant! I can't wait to see Whiffey's and Bob's reaction to this!! LOL!!
Sure you aint done this just to wind them up Ed? ;o)
I think I'm bored of it already.
I think the Doctor Spock would love this even more.
I must admit, flashy as it is... It's a pointless idea! I can't see it being any more handy than just posting a link!
This is so cool. I love it. Thanks Much AB Ed!
hiya Robinia...
just couldnt will be good after a few becks
nice one ED....could we have are colors back as well (:O)
How much are you reckoning on making out of this then Ed?
Waste of 15 mins if you ask me.
Why would they make money on it?

Even if they did if the company doesn't have money we dont have an AB...I like it
I think about iPhone only...
Conan - iPhone Commercial
-- answer removed --
I have tried to get loads of links to work and they won't , is this because i am using some kind of different something or other? grrrrrrrrrrr
It's not working and I am getting annoyed with it, every single link i have asked to be validated it says not found grrrrrrrrrrrrr
It works somtimes but not others lol
see if this 1 works
I tell you what Ed, why don't you ask for our opinions in a forthright manner such as

"What do you think?"

And then when somebody answers you in an equally forthright manner ban it, all because you disagree?

On seconds thoughts, you already have!!!

If you are trying to tame me Ed, you are making me more determined.

Ban me outright (if you can) or get the hell out of my way.
None of the linbks i find work, it won't validate them, i am getting even madder now! Does it have to be a certain type of clip?
was this really so bad??

Absolute waste of time.

If you check your vaults you will see that I was the first one who started posting youtube links (for relevant music vids mostly) and like Baron Frankenstein, I created a monster.

The use of youtube has since become more used than a submissive heroin addicted prostitute, with people posting absolute inane and quite pointless links that are neither informative or witty.

Your tech guys would have been better spending their nerdish time working out peoples ISP's so only one user (or more, if families use it) are allowed on AB. It will save all the peasants coming on here trolling around and being a general nuisance with umpteen names!!!

Also, as you do Dear Ed will probably at least read this, bring back Arnold_Corns. I am not happy with this name and my misery is solely down to you!!!!

You tube, poo tube!!!!

try again

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