You could call it 'Pointless Waste of Time' or perhaps 'Are People Really too Lazy to Copy and Paste a Link?' maybe even 'For When You Have Nothing Interesting To Say' or even 'For When You Wish to Inflict a Thread with Nothing but a Red Link for 50 pages.'
as i have said before looking at others you tubes is like looking at other peoples holiday or wedding photos, lots of "aww isnt that nice" when really you are thinking how can i get out of here.
I have to agree with you bobtheturkey, thats why I think its a good idea as you don't need to link to Youtube through a thread thats probably pointless anyway, so you can see what your likely to be getting and just go past it.
Lol, got to agree with bob there- nothing more depressing than looking at other people's idea of a funny or a brilliant song, nine times out of then they're neither funny or good songs as far as you're concerned.
tut, well it's easy for you to say sitting there knowing you have the option of not using it, whereas i can't use it and so i don't have the choice whether to use it or not, and i had strawberries and single cream for tea because my son didn't know there were 2 sorts grrrrrrrrrr the world is against me, against me i tell thee.
Following on from all these interesting answers I'd just like to say Congratulations for a really interesting question, but as Cliff (huh !) can do it so much better, here he is.
I am often dim so it may be more of the same, but surely when you want to see something on YouTube you go there, or at best post a link so if someone is desperate, as Bob so accurately says, you can go and look at thier lovely holiday/wedding phots?
Are we in this thread missing something wonderful?