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brian j john | 19:21 Sun 08th Jul 2007 | Site Suggestions
12 Answers
can we have a specific section for crosswords instead of a sub section as every weekend the quizzes and puzzles section is filled with crossword questions as the crossworders are not usung the sub section


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Strange, isn't it, that a pastime which is predicated on accuracy and organisation (after all, letters must be placed in the correct boxes to complete the puzzle) seems to be popular with people who cannot place their questions in the right box, so to speak.
Folk are free to post in the main category or one of its sub-sections.
They are all getting answered aren't they?
whats the diffence? a crossword is a puzzle isn't it? or is it a quiz? or is a quizword the same as a crossword? now i am puzzled?
'usung' the sub section ?
"What's the diffence?"
Oh not this pedant again .Before the advent of subsections we all used the one topic that was available .This is what the Q&P regulars are used to .Live with it .
{laughs at shaneystar2's comment}

So the argument for the defence is 'we're old dogs unable to learn new tricks, and need not follow site guidelines, namely posting in the most relevant category, as others must'.

An ironic quote from 30/05/06
"... the Sport section could get bunged up with World Cup threads pushing other stuff down the page ... Film and TV is bunged up with BB ... Crosswords are catered for in Q&P. Sub headings is the way to go"

Based upon your proud assertion that Q&P regulars need not adapt where regulars of other topics should, you must have forgotten to qualify your historic statement with a plea that Q&P be exempt from sub-division i.e. "should just be the one section". Hang on, you did a few months later.

Not In My (Q&P) Back Yard!
Fair enough but now there are now two sections main heading says Quizzes and Puzzles ......and what is a crossword then if it isn't a puzzle ? It's a Crossword Puzzle. The subsection says Crosswords. So people dither.
If they are going to have subsections which are a good idea in principle then it should be worded properly .
The main heading should be Crossword Puzzles ,then a subheading Quizzes and then Riddles . Even better would be a separate Quizzes category altogether !
Then everyone would be happy .
As it is it's a shambles so we just carry on as usual in spite of asking time and time again for them to change it so we just have to put up with it .
It's the same with Media and TV ....then there is a subsection for TV ....what's the point of that ?
I certainly agree that some main topic headings could be better worded (example - Media including TV {for the numpties who don't realise where TV would be}) but I fail to see how Crossword Puzzles outranks Quizzes and/or Puzzles. Surely a sub-heading is a more specific type of category and a crossword puzzle is a more specific type of puzzle.

Perhaps it would be better if each main Topic head page listed all posts within all of its sub-headings and crucially that questions could not be posted in the main topic at all, only in the sub-topics themselves. Entering each sub-topic then acts as a filter to the posts from the other sub-topics.

e.g. click on Q&P and see every post, then click on Riddles to see only those posted in Riddles and likewise for Crosswords etc.

This may mean that a number of topics require an "Any other" type sub-heading to cater for questions that do not readily fall into the more specific sub-headings presently there and which currently get posted in the main heading.
Yes.... wonderful.. then perhaps you can lobby the powers that be because every time we ask for this it falls on deaf ears .
The Quiz buffs would love a section all of their own where they can discuss answers and post details of forthcoming Charity Quizzes and have asked time and time again to no avail.
And the crossword subsection is really a waste of time can sit there for ages waiting for an answer which is why we all give up and post in the main section.
These subsections are an awful bone of contention not just in Q&P but across the whole site and I am beginning to wonder why I ever thought they would be a good idea in the first place :)
I have always hated the subsections it was much better before when you just read a long list of questions without having to trawl through millions of subsections.

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