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AB moderators

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crossroads | 17:19 Thu 26th Jul 2007 | Site Suggestions
6 Answers
Who are the AB moderators?
(Other than ed and AB users)
Surley its someones job to patrol the site looking for unhelpful answers that have not been reported.


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yes that would be corrine74. Ha Ha sorry had to be done. I'm sure a few people work on here other than the ED and us lovies.
Interesting, but I would not want the site to be too heavily moderated.

What would the criteria for removal be? 'Unhelpful' is too broad.

And rude and offensive posts make nobody look bad except for the poster.

Any posts that give personal information about another should be removed though - emails addresses, home addresses, work place names and so on.
it is a site where the members self-moderate.
There are a number of platinum users who can delete answers, and a few who can also delete questions. I am a probationary in the second category, I can moderate (i.e. delete ho ho) any answer I don't like or gets me a bit jingly jangly, but I can't delete whole users until September, and I have a little list.

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Another one to add to your list Whiffey!

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