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Corrinne74 | 13:22 Mon 30th Jul 2007 | Site Suggestions
47 Answers
Can someone please tell me what is going on and why I am having mails from people telling me I am being slagg*d off on here. Thanks


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Hmmm, i thought there was a mail strike.
How come your getting mail?
If its hate mail you can report it to your local postie...
read the links that were posted, that should give you an idea.
Shouldnt this be in people and places?
Its all rather tedious, probably something to do with the school holidays.

Contact the AB Editor and ask them this question. Let them decide whether offending posts should be removed or not. Otherwise just report it and be done.

Enough now.
Because Ilovewhiffey has said he/she is you on here. take it up with them if you can
4g, to be honest, I think that is a bit of mud in your eye :)
why's that. coz if it isnt her and I want an explantion from Ilovewhiffey as to why they said it was and if it is there you go. Nothing really to do with me :-) its gone now so hey ho
Just because she said she was (and she didn't, just said her name was Corrinne) doesn't make it so, especially in B&S !

For example, if I said I was the Ruskie nobody would believe me just because I said so, and jolly good job too.
yes but I e-mailed her my pic

If it isn�t her how come she said as Ilovewhiffey have your still got your fairy/angel costume. If its isn�t corrine they made a lucky guess out of thousands to choose corrinne as a name of the four people I might have e-mailed pic to.
Anyway its quite boring now and Ilovewhiffey has gone again, until another username pops up
Alias's. The lot of them should be shot!
mail saying your getting sl@gged off?? I dont even know who you are?!
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Did I say it was a mail from you? It's not all about you all the time. Don't be so self centered!!
you the one with the air of self importance corrine, I would be surprised if it was someone on here, Its not like you have ever imput anything worth remembering....
All of which reminds me of this:

Eleanor Bron: Sorry, sir. The club's full.
Upper Class Man: But I have an invitation. Do you know who I am?
Peter Cook: [to the people in the queue] Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen. May I have everyone's attention for a moment? This gentleman doesn't seem to know who he is. If anyone here recognises this man, can you come to the front of the queue and tell him his name.
Upper Class Man: **** you!
Peter Cook: You'll have to queue for that, too, I'm afraid, sir. There's a �5 waiting list.
blimey whiffey, I was just thinking that too
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and you have? you talk as much rubbish as the next person.
Dont worry to much corrinne i think that the little wiffey freak seemed to have it logged into its thick skull that i was really you and it has tried to say that i was ohier people on here as well
God will you both bang your heads together,you both look silly
Question Author
But I am only me and have only ever been me! Plus, why would whiffey do that as I have always been pleasant to him on here :-(
oh here we go

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