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FONT - gone all italic in my view??

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nuoyg | 21:44 Tue 14th Aug 2007 | Site Suggestions
10 Answers
font's gone italic on my screen??


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yes it has except when you are answering mmmmmmm someone is working late in ther laboratory
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crossroads has been programming. I have reported him.
On mine too !!! Very strange goings -on eh ?
Don't panic Mr Mannering !
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whiff (hope you don't mind me calling you that for short...) do you think it was the old crossroads? He's been threatening to!
It's difficult for me to read as it isn't very sharp :-(
the recent posts panel just went italic on my screen, then it went normal again. I had better post a Q about the AB Ghost under religion & Spirituality.
ditto re italic - ness
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FONT - gone all italic in my view??

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