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CraigOO7 | 15:54 Fri 24th Aug 2007 | Site Suggestions
48 Answers
After 2 weeks of being banned & numerous emails to the AB Editor I have decided to leave this once decent site for good.
This place started going downhill they day they changed the Sport section and has been free-wheeling its way into oblivion ever since.
Its was a pleasure answering questions in the old Sport section and the 'discussions' we had in there were never dull.
To Bob, Norman, Laurence, Milo, Zorro, Robbo, MrRobbo, Spudqueen, Dumbkopf, efc, MightyWBA & anyone else i have forgotten to mention, good luck and thanks for the good laughs we have had.
Others worth mentioning are Dot, Boo, 4getmenot, Nat, Octavius, Loosehead, Wardy and Johnlambert, see ya and take care.
If I've missed anyone out its either an oversight or I didn't like you.

All the best everyone and goodbye from me.

P.S. Can I SUGGEST you all find another sight, because this one is only getting worse.


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simple abers would just stop posting.
If B&S went the way of Sport, I would post loads more because the format is really good and is the way to go.
whiffey, dont think thats the answer THE BOYS are looking for.
errr hello?

Female here <<<

crete-some of us actually do like each other on here, and form a friendship (of sorts), is it so wrong if one of leaves to post a message stating so? It's harmless, let it be.
o k.
I think I may have ballsed up again.
Hello bob.

We should have a ''Keep women out of sport'' vote

They know fcuk all about football

Sorry ladies, but thats how it goes i'm afraid
you and me both me dear ?
actually, totally agree with you Laurence, i know nowt about football and have no intention of finding out anything either, it's dull, boring, they spit on the floor alot and quite frankly looks way too energetic for my liking.

I'm happy to leave football to the neanderthals whilst i look at sparkly shiny things :-)
lawrence. you are a M S P,,,,,: )
If you need another sport, girls, Try cycling, very firm thighs and butts in super tight lycra, leaves those footie cry babies standing.

So what is the offside rule all about,.......oops nodded off . lol

The 'new' sport section was supposed to be the prototype, and the rest of Answerbank was going to follow in look and use. The fact that that hasn't happened says it all.

The Sport section is horrible, doesn't work properly and must have lost hundreds of regular contributors. I can understand your frustration and I am very sorry to see you go.


most popular sport in the world doesnt have a proper section yet big brother does, it says it all really :)
It does have a section doesn't it? Granted it's a sub-section but then so is the BB Category.
yes but it doesn't work properly boo the big brother one does, all we ask for is a section that works its not asking for a huge amount when big brother and adverts and gardening etc is catered for
nope, i agree bob.
I loved last weeks avatar ...
turn the other cheek Craig. lol
goodbye then. As i said yesterday to someone, by leaving you are cutting off your nose to spite your face
1) no one will notice
2) no one will care for any length of time
3) you are depriving yourself of the answers you might otherwise have got

people come and go all the time, its just the nature of things. Personally i cant understand how you can expect to get away with being abusive and not get banned
craig, i emailed the techies like i said i would and this is the reply:

Sent: 23 August 2007 18:08> To: [email protected]> Subject: Email Us The AnswerBank:
craig 007> > why is he still not able to sign in? it has been a week! can you not find> out what the prob is please?> TYIA> Dotty> CC the ed.

Dear dot.hawkes,
This is a message from the Answerbank Support Team. Your account is now functioning properly and therefore you should notencounter any problems in logging in and posting.
Kind Regards--The AnswerBank Technical Support

(so what does that mean? do they think i meant i couldn;t post?)

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