Hi ED, Would it be possible to have a counter on each question so you know how many people have looked at it? If nothing else, we can use it as a guide to see if we have used the correct catagory.
So...If you have a counter on a B&S question..EG.. " my question keeps getting banned".and you get 101 answers
you can use it as a guide to see if we have used the correct catagory?
i think it's a good idea it will help to tell you if you question is too hard to reply to as people don't understand and would be quite intresting to know how many views u get
how badly do you need to know if people have looked at your question? It will depend on the time of day, the number (and, ahem, quality) of people who are on the site, etc. All a question needs is one correct answer, surely?
I think it'd be a good idea! I always read loads of posts, but don't always reply. With a counter, users could tell whether their questions were generating interest but no replies. But then there'd be the danger of no replies AND a really low count.......how to feel really unloved??!!