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OMG!!!!.....what is going on!!!!!

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Redbel | 23:17 Tue 04th Sep 2007 | Site Suggestions
62 Answers
Everytime I go to reply to a thread it disappears.
Give it a rest whoever you are. No need for it.


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Has second thoughts and decides not to prod Boobies with a stick. Sniggers a little bit though
hey legend
im not on about u dot or redbel!!!!!!! im on about something completely different and the 2 im on about know exactly who they are !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ya think i'm moody? why? because i don't agree with alot of your views? That's hardly moody- it's called being honest.

glares @ CD
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well scorps I think you are maybe being a tad deluded here, everyone on this thread apart from you is as sound as a pound, are you trying to stir up some trouble?
Stops sniggering

Ahem. Sorry to hear about the banning Boobies. That 2 is very becoming on you. Elegant almost.
lol yeah, gotta admit i'm getting used to it myself -i'm bloody seeing enough of it lately!
once upon a time i was married and then my wife found AB!!!!!!!! she found one man inparticular!!!! they got very friendly!!!!!!!!! 2 friendly!!!!!!!!! ididnt like it so she ended the 13 year relationship!!!!!!!!! and here i am SAD ever after!!!!!!!!!!
well u said it!!! sadder than sad, are you new to the cyber world then? It's only pixels u know
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I'm sorry to hear this scrops......maybe it wasn't AB to blame...maybe the relationship had run it's course.
Oh grow up scorps, it's pixel land on here, you can be what u want, no point making a witch hunt out of it all
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maybe it had!!! but it didnt help that i worked every hour god sends and while at work my wife spent a lot of time chatting 2 this man!!!!!!!!! i got jelous and that was that! it caused lots of problems and rows! but at least shes still got him now!!!!!!!!!!!! ive got nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
maybe she should have gone out to the pub for company then, would that have been a bit better?
Scorps - Absolutely no idea what this is about but you still have your pride. Don't waste time dwelling on the past. Move onwards and upwards. I'm sure you'll find someone else who'll love you for who and what you are.

I know that's easy for me to say but things have a way of working themselves out even when it seems like the world is against you.

Chin up and good luck.
thanx china !!!!!!!!!!!!! xxx i just feel very bitter!!!!!!!!! and niether of them will come back on and say anything!! they just run onto msn 2 chat as we speak!!!!!!!!!! i might look sad but it hurts and still they rub my nose in it!!!! :-{ xx
they were last on this thread at 23.30 and 23.47!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what old ray? his mrs would kill him! and he's in wales, he'd need a bl00dy fast bike! Plus he's an old git lol (soz ray!)
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Can we keep this as a nice thread for once much nastiness on this site .......I'll not have people casting nasteriuns ( I don't mean you Dot btw)

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