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4gottenabout | 19:28 Wed 05th Sep 2007 | Site Suggestions
77 Answers
Yet again 4getmenot has vanished, but only some posts and I cant post any new questions. If this is someone reporting under various usernames its getting very tedious


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thats cute :-)
ffs thats on all my emails

thats suggestive now?

you need to grow up stop acting a stupid little brat.
trying to badmouth me

smiffy carry onmate
she deserves it
Question Author
I havent badmouthed you, I just myself dont like e-mails like that, and I did say and it carried on. And after hearing others on here say you turned up at there house I was a bit wary, sorry just not something I'd get into. :-)
Question Author
anyway I'm off now, seeya in the morning
ffs you talk rubbish

so much so i dont even believe youre forget youre just some sad git.

stevie is it ??
wondered where youd been hiding
Question Author
Oooh you e-mail stevie that too. Ok now that is weird. I'm sorry if you have taken offence and maybe I took e-mails wrong way but on here you are a user name and I will still answer and post as I would. Seeya

nice girl eh ??

as if
oh do shut up legend. 4get and you used to be mates by email, just because she doesnt always agree with your way of thinking why are you suddenly being like this?

For the record, she is 4getmenot and 4gottenabout only but Im sure the Rev will be along to add comments too.
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redcrx this is what I have explained that he does take it bit to heart on here. Me and Lambert e-mail but dont always agree on here but he takes that and rev does too. me and you dont always agree on here either red. As I said I apologise for some things said on here but I dont need to apologise for other things. As far as I can see I've never been malicious to anyone on here that hasnt been to me. And I am nice :-)
Smiffy you need to get a grip and get a life.

No one else is me, I am a bloke for a start and 4get aint.
Anyway 4get cant be me bcos she couldn't fancy herself lol
Question Author
I dont know some people on here do :-)
very odd enchanges from 4get,appears very different on this thread ?
It was me fine,thanks I was just being honest as to why I dont e-mail legend anymore. and maybe getting a bit tired of the stalker.
well just ignore him its not difficult, that would be your advice to others.
Yes it would and Look at my post fine, thanks that is what I did with him. and still he went on.
I meant the stalker

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