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Banning certain people from posting on your questions

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kp nonuts | 17:32 Wed 12th Sep 2007 | Site Suggestions
27 Answers
I would like to see an option where you could ban certain users on here from posting on your questions


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No it is not fair, if they do something wrong they can already be reported. some people are really nice on here and get abused for it and could give some really helpful answers and get banned from a post for nothing
i kind sort of see where your coming from.............but how is that 'freedom of speech?'...........
I would not respond to your questions again Kpnonuts.
Ok I shall exercise the option and hence forth ban myself from posting replies to any of your threads, how's that for an idea? : ))
... meant to say you and your aliases.
-- answer removed --
zz top I love them too BOB :-)
as the great jno pointed out last week (or was it the week before?)

What makes you think AB's democratic someguy?;-)

But yes, sorry to go along with the general opinion here nutty, but i also think your idea is pants. Someone who you usually spar with could surprise you and for once give a well thought out reply to one of your questions- be a shame to miss the reply through them already being 'snubbed'.
good answer boo........... just thought we were in a demoracy or am i bieng naive???
zzzzzzzzzz is the final resort of the intellectually barren.
All AB have to do is log the ip address when they join up. When they get banned, they can then ban the ip. Simple.
Is it really that simple Neil ? What about shared computers, libraries, very large organisations, hairdressing salons. It's not cut and dried.
Dont let em get you whiffey. abusers a ******,as for the rest of em not worth it pal.
hmm bob seems sleepy do ya think he caught the diazepam I chucked?

Not sure how you could go about banning certain people off your questions kp nonuts and to be honest I think its a really unfair idea.
We are not talking about the CIA here we are talking about really boring people.
pixi.............ive got hem know CHEERS mate!!! really mellow dddduuuudddeeeee!! lol
kp I would vote yes

the previous poster for instance
whats the previous poster done whippety?

glad you got them someguy and for some reason you seem awful familiar lol

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