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getting ready for chatterbank

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bobtheturkey | 22:10 Sun 14th Oct 2007 | Site Suggestions
91 Answers
what will the first post be

A im making a sandwich does anyone want one?

B What do you look like

C which of your ears do you prefer

D which abers ass would you most like to soap and slide down mount kilimanjaro

E i hate you you bad person

F what happened to ( random ex aber name)

G im eating a jammy dodger what are you doing



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I didnt name any people in my posts, I would forget about it if I were you sydme..

in general though its a shame that people cant keep one nickname, so confusing having to work out who your speaking too, especially when they pretend they are new

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is ricky skaggs i wouldnt change you if i could on it
If i thought it was as bad you painted it Legend, i wouldnt stick around.
katie, I have had to borrows my dads irish folk cds, he wont let me touch the paddy reilly ones
Unfortunately not Bob.x
Cazzz, are you into D.O'D by any chance????????????x
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well it was discontinued for a reason i remember its end days as a cesspit of pure bile
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how about do you want your old lobby washed down sunshine
my aunt is the hard core d'o'd fan, he visited my cousin a few years ago, my cousin thought he was a fine man who never lost his rag
D O'D is a lovely boy and his mammy loves him!
Read this flower, I am not repeat not Velvet Lady. You did'nt need to "name names". Your glib remarks about the welsh wonder was enough. Now drop it!
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i rememebr an old country ditty "you only live once and no more" very uplifiting it was at 8pm on a sunday evening or "your too old to die young"
you know my cousin is bryan mc fadden, when he came home to dublin he visited my uncle in tipperary and they made the minders some tea and barnbrack.
What is up with the universe????? That's not on there either! Yes Daniel is a very nice young (?) man. Very good to his Mammy you know!x
As mentioned before, Wardy's employed by CG to draw attention to the adverts.
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well ive met philomena begley so put that in your pipe, the queen of the silver dollar
irish folk is not embrace by youtube, yet they show someones bus trip filmed on a phone...
You've met her?????????????? Why have you never mentioned this before?????????????????????x
Well Bob so have i! So there!!!!x

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getting ready for chatterbank

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