Goods made a very good point (so uncharacteristic of her, so I thought I would mention that!)
I think every user on Answerbank has their own AB nemesis that they often lock horns with, debate to the point of cerebral violence and antipathy, and feel a genuine distaste and dislike for. Now if I ruled the world, which by my calculations is probably a long way off yet, I would ban them and remove them, possibly to the ether if I felt really mean. But in a parallel universe they might rule and then where would I be?
Yes of course the AB Editor should do the moderating and gentle reminders, three strike rules etc, but an outright ban on IPs would surely just create an apocalyptic AB wilderness, since we can all be guilty of being verbally aggressive at one point or another. I find with my nemeses (plural because there are a few) that often ignoring them imbues within them, the greatest sense of invidia, which is far more satisfying than a ban.
ps Goods, didn't mean it really. x