I've noticed you haven't answered the question though Lottie, which leads me to believe you subscribe to the "more than 2 minutes more than once a year" brigade.
I see no-one has beat my 5 times a year record yet - whoo hoo!
I really really fancy getting a pizza now ( and that's not a euphemism, I'm just starving ) .
Hmmm.... Well I'm going to be honest so hold on to your nellies... It's been known for me to have sex five times in one month (with no special ocasion).
I'll join one of those sex addicts clubs. (Acutally it could be a nice way to meet people!)
I'm shocked and stunned CD, and i'm not sure which bit to be shocked at more- the fact you've been 'unnecessary' that amount of times or that you've had the audacity to tell us on a public forum.
I'm sorry but I shall have to leave this forum <5 times in a MONTH?> that girl needs her head (or something) looking at! errr maybe I should rephrase that!!!
No no no, don't you be leaving Neti, we need fine upstanding citizens like you around. It's that trollop CD that needs to be run out of town, fancy rubbing salt in the wound by saying she likes it too?
Enough's enough- lets tar and feather her now and be done with it.