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What happened to banned-dot? Not another imposter?

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haysi06 | 15:26 Sat 23rd Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
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hi red, their posts have been removed from at least two threads. The one from God Almighty and mine with he saturday songs
Hello hays, I was just gonna answer dot and "piff paff poof " she went in a cloud of smoke.
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Maybe she spontaneously combusted!
Her post about 15 hours and still not well has also disappeared! Whats going on?
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methinks the account has been deleted!! But why?
maybe she over-posted?
Lol @ rays piff paff poof
u cant vote people off now, only threads
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How can anyone be deleted for overposting?
Well I hope she comes back soon. Ed - sort it out!
You can hays love , it's an automatic ban if you overpost
lol don;t panic it's just my dodgy key that i use to submit i have to twiddle it sometimes and i think iy's got fed up and decided to zap me : (((( lol
'people' being able to ban others?

How does that work then? Surely the site owners/admin are the only ones allowed to ban people?
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see folk jump to all the wrong conclusions on here
mamma i never new
that can you get banned for over posting
and wat does it mean over posting ?

daft for not knowing i know xxxxx
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I APOLOGISE profusely for assuming that it was an imposter.

Please forgive me xxx
Auto ban for over posting?

Give it up - that's not true LOL

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What happened to banned-dot? Not another imposter?

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