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cuddleMe | 00:17 Mon 24th Mar 2008 | Site Suggestions
197 Answers
any chance of stopping ppl from scrolling ??? cos its really anoying esp. wen u have a small screen!! waste of time.


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Wow, he's on a roll, 5am here we come !
sorry cazzz, but the other posters who are following suit are doing it as a pee take.
Its annoying and there is no need for it., i guess i find it most annoying that someone just does something purely to annoy other people! We should not have to do this everytime we want to read something that someone has taken the time to write! im sorry if you dont like my opinion legend but i will stand by what i said, its annoying and pointless and im so sorry that you feel the need to irritate so many users in this way, its childish to say the least!
Don't mind me, i'm just rubber necking. ;-)
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And you may want to annoy the people you don't like legend, but you are also annoying people who do like you. I can't understand what pleasure you get from making people you don't know and some of whom you have no reason to dislike mad?!
No, it's just that you are an interminable bore.
Im outta here cause there is no arguing with you legend! You will NOT see it from anyone elses point of view but sadly this isnt your website, its for everyones enjoyment !
Very true Legend, so it would seem that you can't actually do much right can you? Maybe it's time to leave? :)
Yes all those things were moaned about, so why don't you try answering/asking a question normally? No rhymes or 'jokes' just be normal.
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I agree with mistys, although I would love nothing more than to clutter up chatterbank full of trivia, I wont because I have to respect the people that complain about the trivia (remember all the moaning bob got in b&s about trivia?)

and what about all the moaning about "female questions" being asked on chatterbank, its not just you leg, people moan about a lot of stuff.
"I hate the world" sums it up.

But it can never be brief, so 5am here we come.
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Just the show Leg, just the show.
Right you are Leg, point taken I'm off to bed, that video Jules has posted has made me all sleepy. Thanks for the giggles tonight Leg, you really are a star!
lol legend, is no one else allowed to post without they are accused of being obsessed with YOU! get real and get over yourself! Is hellie not entitled to post as much as you? you keep posting, are you obsessed with me? i just dont get you?
As I said on Page 1 of this thread - excessive scrolling is very irritating - it's also very immature!

Nite all.
If that was aimed at me then I didn't say I didn't like you, I said the scrolling was annoying.

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