This is a never-ending discussion, all the usual points have already been made. CB of a couple of years ago, the one that was shut down, was a lot classier than this current one, which suffers from so much dross from a small handful of drivelling bores (yes, I suppose I am one as well). This site needs impudent and sparkling Joshies and Ruskies.
On the plus side, there is minimal moderation, so enjoy the freedom. You could end up on a site like C-------E where up-the-ar$e moderators monitor your every post, and if you slip, you incur a "24-hour posting ban" for a "Category A" offence, all the way up to the devastating "Permabann", each of course accompanied by 3,4,5 long long paragraphs of explanation. Still, the site is thriving, and this one seems to be dead.
Don't knock it too much, you'll miss it when it's gone.