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BigDogsWang | 09:39 Tue 15th Jul 2008 | Site Suggestions
23 Answers
I have just received an email telling me "You have an answer!" from a question I posted in October 2004!!

When I clicked on the link it said 'page could not be found'.

I did find the question however, by going back in time through my profile, only to find it hasnt been edited at all. In fact it was a 'banned' question.

So what's that all about then AB Ed?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Me too. Just had a answer from a post that was last answered 18 months ago.
wasn't one of the ones listed in her latest blog, was it?
Well at least you're getting emails when your questions are answered... And yes, my contact details are up to date.

I still think you have the best name I've seen on here.
be grateful you finally got noticed. lol
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Thanks CD! As I said though, no one has answered the question since 2004, so why it says 'you have an answer' god only knows. Especially as it was a banned question which no one else can see anyway??????
Why not post it now? Maybe AB is more liberal in the oughtyeights??
weird, just out of curiosity I checked my email for this account, its a really old one that I havent used for ages. There was a 'you have an answer' email which has todays date on. The question is there but in old chatterbank and is locked. The last answer on it was 09/11/05 :s
Sounds like someone is twiddling with knobs at AB head office.
I got one of those emails this morning too from a question from march last year then when I went and had a look at it there were no new replies!!
yes, me too....it's very windy today & the AB wheelie bin's obviously tipped over & all the old Q's have blown back in
I haven't had any replies from days gone by, but this question prompted me to check my old address and I discovered 3 e-mails from very old friends, so thank you for the prompt! LOL
Bl!mey, been alerted back to AB after receiving 14 old emails via noreplay (going back to 2004)! Here's a cosy one to prepare you for winter:

http://www.theanswerbank.co.uk/ChatterBank/Que stion166098.html

Where is smudge these days, is she OK?
I had one about honeymoons and I got married over 2 years ago!! lol
Me too... mine was an answer to a plea for help on cooking fresh tuna .....June 200!.

Glad I didn't wait......poooh!!!
oops.....2004, not 200!
smudge, that was a nice thread to reminisce over.

How weird was that!! I'm asking about her as she's posting!

(Yes, John, I'm going! LOL)
Hi Lakitu - thanks for asking after me. I'm not too bad thank you. Been away for what seems like years, been so much going on this end.

Hi lajohn - glad you enjoyed that little thread. Winter will soon be upon us (feel that it already has this last few weeks with all the rain)! Now busy preparing for a two week holiday in Dorset from this Saturday. Hope the sun shines for us & all the other holiday makers.
Lovely to see you again, smudge :o) x

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