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Jugglering | 21:00 Sun 24th Aug 2008 | ChatterBank
59 Answers
I've notice a few references to different people's profiles on this site.... so how does one view other user's profiles ? It can't be through the now (fairly) defunct SportsBank because that simply doesn't allow me to click on any profiles without causing the site to *hang*.


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No idea juggerling, I saw the references to profiles too and wondered how they'd done it.

I no longer use SAB, but when I did I found it beggered up profiles anyway, everyone I looked at said they were 43 and female"- I can only assume it was glitched.....either that or everyone really is 43 and female!
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LOL B00.... either that or they were telling a few fibs.....
yes, sorry B00, I said I was 89 and Portuguese, which wasn't 100% true but I thought they were probably going to try to sell me things. And so they are.
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Hehe... so if I declare that I am 28, from Barbados and a gorgeous looking specimen... will anyone believe me ?
I was male on a few occasions!
Maybe not THAT far wrong then... ;)
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pmsl Helliebobs....
This is easily explained.
In a post to 09621 i mentioned her age.

EVERTON 123 put 2 +2 togethre and asumed id seen a profile .im not even registered on sab .

And the users age is 44 .

So really everton was just being a bit of a fanny.

D T H ?

Must run whifffys speaking up for his good friend gary glitter

Legend we know you're rubbing your hands with glee at the whiffy/gary glitter thread, and you'll probably live off it for months to come, but no need to bring it up in other threads is there?
I think this Glitter thing has got a few miles in it yet. It might even take legoland off the front page, now that will rile him which is an awful thing to do.
can the gary glitter argument be left in the thread it started in???? come on guys lets not make this the mantra for the next few weeks
Bu$$er Gary Glitter, what about all the death threats.

Well helly will we answer whiffy ??


biting tongue eh ?? : 0)
Meaning a group of people , not like a mob , just a group , much like that assembled on this thread.

More wine whiffy ?

whiff bites nan
i know leave it from here whiffey has made enough of a fool of himself in the other post to last a lifetime :)
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Legend... I don't understand what your reply has got to do with my question ......
Bobby dont mention thta.
Btw will you also be dining out on this for months??

Or perhaps that was an attempt , very poor , to dig at little old me ?


Next time maybe
Legend the only time I will bite my tongue is if I'm getting a good shag, so no, I won't be replying to whiffy's helpful addition to this post, both of you **** off back to News and carry on the verbal ping pong.
its nice when you land a great big wriggling pike having waited for a time to do so :)

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