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Postal Cost

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johny5 | 11:16 Thu 29th Jan 2009 | ChatterBank
3 Answers
I'm looking at selling a few dvd's online via
Roughly how much would it cost to post a single dvd or a 3 dvd box set 1st class?


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Weigh the item with its packaging on your kitchen scales and put the total weight in here.

Don't forget that size matters. You can probablt send a single DVD as a large letter, but you will need the packet rate for box sets.
Best thing to do is to take both DVDs, (plus packaging) to a post office and ask them how much each would be to send. Then you can put the actual postage cost included when you advertise it on line. Otherwise you could be doing yourself out of money, or your buyer.
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Postal Cost

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