I defended Bea on a number of occasions, and my reward for this action was to be turned on as if by a cornered animal.
My crime - following the usual publication of an answer giving totally wrong wordplay - quite how that particular clue meant that Ruth was an anagram of the first four letters of Thursday was in the imagination of one person - I published the correct wordplay, only to be told at great length that it didn't matter as long as you gave the right answer.
This was from someone who had requested the wordplay for another clue that same day.
I am reminded of that old chestnut that, given enough time, a barrowload of monkeys with typewriters could write the complete works of Shakespeare. A corollary could be that, given enough time, a complete idiot is bound to get a correct answer every now and then.
In an earlier question in this topic, I suggested the addition of a filter by which you could ignore all postings on a given subject e.g. Ditloids or by certain posters. This could solve all our problems.