Im afraid trying to enlist you is just a smarmy trick, dot. The sabotage, like the attempted hole-picking has been all Kempie�s, as is plain to see. He seems to have started on this tack by objecting to my totally innocuous first post on this thread, which was answered to my entire satisfaction by society, and I duly expressed my thanks for that answer in my next post, with the anodyne excuse that it hadn�t been clear from kempie's post that that you had to be on AB Editor's Blog page in order to see any drop-down box at all, which it hadn�t, had it? He seems to have taken that as a personal affront. Is he paranoid, do you think from your vastly greater experience of this site?
There immediately followed a totally unmerited blast of sarcasm from him, which you, dot, to your great credit, immediately tried to temper with your own observations of your own need for precise directions on this site, given its abysmal technology, after a great deal longer on it than me. No doubt you did this because it was as obvious to you as it was to me that his �apologies for not patronising� were in fact deeply patronizing.
I too then tried to temper the wind by expressing my hurt, although of course it was deeply sinful of me to make the sarcastic insincerity of the repudiation of patronization explicit!
Kempie responded with an intensification of the attack, with more sarcasm and outright insult, displaying grave faults not only in his character, but in his powers of reasoning, which perhaps explains why he has such constant recourse to bluster and obfuscation.
So I gave a patient and painstaking point-by-point refutation of his ostensible reasons for this attack, which he has again countered with bluster.