Why does this site keep crashing, I've been on it on and off for about 3 hours today and it's crashed 9 times!! I don't have this problem with ANY other site, it really gets on my nerves, does anyone else have this probem ?
Yes, everybody does. The site is technically unimpressive, and also relies heavily on satellite advertising sites. It goes through good patches and bad patches. When it appears to be dragging its boots, don't persist, just close the browser and do something of value in life.
Is there anything that can be done about it? I've just tried to post this twice. The most annoying thing is when you post a long post and it crashes you have to type it all again!
It is a very good idea to pre-prepare a library of answers which you can dip into as required. Set up folders for Abuse, Commonsense, Idiocy, Naturism, Trains (a little foible of mine), ect ect. Also make a note of which of your aliases should use which - a whiteboard helps - but you can at a stretch use a kitchen noticeboard.