no dabees.....what happened was wrong....but maybe we should just leave it to the parties involved....and stop bringing it up. There has been enough contentious crap on here today.
yes there has pasta, including you telling bare faced lies about marvel , you are a disgrace to you sex, i did'nt think that even you would stoop as low as that, but i suppose you can't remember again, what a two faced old lady you are.
You do disappoint me then Bez, if someone accuses Leg of a heinous crime it's a call to the police. But if Knobby wishes and promises a threat on Dot it's ok? Shame on you....
Should i add to the argument dabees....?? is that what you want?? i am really not sure what you are getting at? I just said that what happened was wrong.....but the whole episode could have been avoided if these two had not insisted in constantly baiting each other. And everyone else putting their 2 cents in doesn't help.
lets just leave dabees and the saint to their musings....this is pontless....and I for one will not be drawn into this nonsense....this is what ruins the site.
iv eposted my opinions on it but incase you missed them?
ban the 2 of them both for their abuse and being pains.
simple as need to involve folk not even online like spouses and kids etc .
though its thought to be faiur game here.
abees accusing someone of being a paedophile as mr marvel and the saint have is worse than an idle threat on here
exactly why i laughed at your daft mate on the phone.