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The Spare Ed - Warts and All

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AB Editor | 15:23 Tue 11th Aug 2009 | Site Suggestions
133 Answers
To help me out, and possibly have a bit of fun, I thought we could all have a go at designing me a Twitter profile image.

Phallic entries will be fed to the hamsters.

The judges will be completely biased and unfair - they are open to bribes.

All the best,

Spare Ed


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pasty you craft ummm and i think someone else asked the editor

seems he wants my picture but still bans me

hes not being very nice really is he ?
Well done Ed.
Question Author
Evening all, I thought i should pop in to check on you all.

What were you queries Dot? If it's about your CV it must have been...err... lost in the post.

Also, I did not think cash in the attic was on anymore?

Craft: Legend disappeared because I banned him.

ShaneyStar: Terribly sorry, but some of us had to get home!

Pasta: Bollox.

If I've missed anything please let me know, I am just such an airhead.

- Spare Ed

P.S. I am not on email duty tonight so it you wanted to, for example, send me a long, rambling and incoherent email it will not be ignored until the morning.
I think the ED has two user names 'Spare Ed' been his second and keeps been reported and banned. 'Warts and All'
what about improving you AB image?
What a load of..........bollox....

am starting to enjoy this........what other words can I get away with.....??

oh...and a Q for Spare ED...WHY????
Craft: Legend disappeared because I banned him.

well done again, Ed
Question Author
Quite right NoK. There are two portraits to be done.

One for Twitter one for AB.

Actually I suppose I could use the same one...

Lets make the file size limit 200kb for the AB one, it might be slimming.

All the best,

Spare Ed
Noway... wassat brown streak down your tongue?

Oh... here... you dropped your wooden spoon too...
And why did you abn me editor?When you allow trolls like noway there to issue threats and encourage abusers like krazy klown ?And newsdesk with all his paedophile abuse ?Is that ok in your book?

Btw folks


Noknow i reckon your sarcasm was wasted on him there : o)
ah, you are still here

can it be possible when a user uses 2 different identities
1 to be normal and 1 to be an abuser to OUT them?
tell the other users who it was . I think this could stop a lot of the bullshhhh ......t
they actively encourage that noknow

i sometimes suspect they are behind it

lol snags got stars

And, legg your the one thats getting BANNED,it's clear why that is.
You start the abuse.
i havent abused anyone
its you theratening pipe bombs and ira terrorists

and egging on krazy klown when hes on and scumbucket

you should be banned .again that is .you are a stirrer and noknows right when he says about users hiding

expose them

im not one of them so bring it on
An idea for legend's next username:


Get that legg person off Ed

or hide like whiffy and use another name?


Which other username would that be then legend? Feel free to speak out.
rubbish wifffey that's 16
Are you a player whifff?

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