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Slow tonight!!!!

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trt | 01:14 Fri 28th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Is it my computer or is this site slow tonight?


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No it's not you, it has been slow tonight. I thought it was just my aol which has been a pain in the @rse recently but every other site has been fine.
tis slow tonight jan trt

i think it might be the solar flares affecting upper statospheric gizmo's that run this site lol
Anyone got the number we can ring and tell em to pedal harder?
(contact us) at bottom of page

but i love this bit lol

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i've found that it is the whole of the net that is slow ,i've just been on ebay and that was slow too ,so i think i will have an early night and read a book as i am getting really cheesed off with waiting for pages to load
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i'm told that war and peace is a good read glenis

goog night
yeap my puter is slow.only on this site.

i have phoned to complain and was told the pensioner was having a bit of a heavy night with their breathing but would try and peddle a bit faster, but the bike is old and seen better i suggested maybe they get rid of the local bike and invest in a treadmill. i hope the person i spoke is paying attention cos on his Ed be it if nothing gets down,cos this is really getting on my wick.Lol.
and i keep getting time out when i post .
only joking glenis
you know! i took that book from a library in 1997
i now owe �82,763 in fines lol
testing 1
testing 2
i could get banned for this lmao but who the fruck cares

testing 3
testing 4
test prooven

it aint that slow
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but the uni bar is now closed lmao
Pies have arrived !!
see you in the pub sat mamyalynne
keep your hair natural lol

must go x

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Slow tonight!!!!

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